Finding Comfort In Friends

The reason why we all find comfort in our friends is because they accept us for who we are. Friends don’t judge. They may have a different opinion, which they would share – but with true friends, it just ends there. It’s a blessing to have a true friend in you, Happy Friendship Day

Take Care of Yourself

The experiences of life teach you more than anything else – about yourself, relationships, business, money, health, work, spirituality.
I have always believed that, Life is Beautiful and have realized that no one but you, yourself are responsible for bringing happiness to your life. Happy times may not be always, but you have to be patient and positive, and keep doing your part. At times, you have to let the storm pass by, and just lay low. Don’t try to brave the storm, but don’t give up either. Think with your head, but do not stop following your heart. The important thing is to learn to accept, because not everything is in your control.Circumstances change, people change. Nothing is constant.
You don’t need to be honest with anyone, but yourself. Define your own philosophy, values and principles – and live by them, without bothering or being worried about what others think, because we tend to be judgmental when it comes to others. We have our own perspectives, which are hard to change. Nobody is perfect. We are human, and make mistakes. We are not completely rational, or think only with the mind; we are largely ruled by our emotions. And while true happiness will always lie within, our emotions, feelings and consequently our behaviors are largely influenced and controlled by others – our near and dear ones. Do your part, on the responsibilities towards the family and society, work – because that is the role were chosen to play.
The only person who will be with you all your life, is you, and, you have to take care of yourself.

Krishna : Living in Harmony with the Contradictions of Life

Sharing a good read, (partially edited) on Lord Krishna. It signifies the importance of living in harmony with the many contradictions of life.

He can play the flute and he can dance, and with the same ease he can fight his enemy in the battlefield with his chakra, his wheel-like weapon. He can play pranks with the girls of his village, running away with their clothes when they are bathing in the river, and he can also make the most profound statements like in the Gita. He can be a thief and a perfect together. Krishna is one person in so many diverse roles — and that is his grandeur, his glory. And this is the uniqueness of Krishna, his individuality.
Krishna is a blending of contradiction, a beautiful synthesis of all contradictions. These contradictions aren’t really contradictory. In fact, all of life’s truth is a blending, a synthesis of contradictions. The whole of life is based on contradictions, and there is no discordance in those contradictions; rather, there is full accord, absolute harmony among them.
We think peace and ‘disturbancer’ are two different things. But are they really different? Where does peace end and disturbance begin? In the dictionary, peace and disturbance, happiness and suffering, life and death, have opposite meanings, but in real life it is peace that turns into disturbance, happiness that turns into suffering, life that turns into death. Again, in real life, disorder turns into order, suffering into happiness and death into life. In real life, light turns into darkness, morning turns into evening and day into night and vice versa.In real life plus and minus are not opposites. In real life, all seeming opposites are complementary, an interplay of one and the same energy. If we can see through this eternal harmony of life, its supreme, sublime music, its significance, then alone can we understand Krishna. That is why we call him the complete incarnation. He is a complete symbolisation of life; he represents life totally.
Whenever someone is fulfilled, after he attains full flowering of life and being, he will necessarily become multidimensional, he will be many persons rolled into one. Whenever someone attains the totality of life, there will be a consistency in his inconsistencies, there will be a harmony in his contradictions. Whenever someone achieves the peak of life, the extremes of life will meet in him with perfect cohesion and unity. We may not see that unity because of our poor vision, but it is there.
With all these contradictions, there is only one Krishna, and that is his greatness and glory. His significance, his greatness lies in the fact that he is all things together, all things rolled into one, all contradictions living hand in hand, and there is a great harmony in all his contradictions.
Excerpts edited from Krishna: The Man And His Philosophy, Osho Times International, courtesy Osho International Foundation,

You Are Your Own Start Up

A talk with the students of Thadomal Shahani Engineering College (TSEC), Mumbai, By Jayesh Tekchandaney, an Alumini of TSEC, Chemical Engineering
Feel blessed and fortunate to have been given the opportunity to share personal and professional experiences with the students of my Alma Mater, Thadomal Shahani Engineering College (TSEC), Mumbai, on 6 September, 2018. The talk is titled, “You Are Your Own ‘Start Up'”. Am happy to share the key points of the the talk.
If I have seen far, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants
1. Life comes without a syllabus. Learn by Yourself
2. Give It Your Best Shot – You are being Watched
3. Just Do It – Work is work, no matter what.
4. Believe in Yourself and Believe in what You Have Built
5. Get on the Field, That’s where The Game is Played
6. It’s ‘A’ or ‘F’, Strive Hard for the Best, Be Prepared for the Worst
7. You will Fail, Accept It, But, Never Never Never Give Up
8. Leaders are Readers and Readers are Leaders
9. Set Goals
10. You Are Your Own ‘Start-Up’. Your Career is Your Business, Your are it’s CEO
“Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass.” – Paul Meyer