This is the Only Time…

This is the only time, when you have a reason to get disconnected from everything in the outside world,
This is the only time you have to do what you always wanted to, and shift your focus inwards.
This is the only time that the world has come to a halt, and everyone is under house arrest,
This is the only time, where there will be peace and no war, no processions or protests.
This is the only time that you don’t need to rush, rush, rush with your daily chores,
This is the only time that you won’t be wasting precious hours on the roads.
This is the only time that there is no office, no client visits, no product deliveries, and no urgent calls,
This is the only time you can’t say – I get little time at home, with family and kids, or tell friends that have been too busy to call.
This is the only time when you can’t buy tickets for the show, the only time you can’t go on vacations,
This is the only time when you can’t party hard, and there ain’t any social obligations.
This is the only time you can’t complaint – life’s way too fast, time flies and that days just go by,
This is the only time because there aren’t any trains to catch, or airplanes in the sky.
This is the only time that birds would own the skies and fishes shall rule the waters,
This is the only time to breathe fresh air, as nature has been gifted with time to recover.
This is the only time to acknowledge that nature doesn’t differentiate status, country, caste or religion,
This is the only time when one can’t go searching for Gods in the temples, mosques, gurudwaras or churches.
This is the only time when we shall know the things that money can’t buy,
This is the only time when we shall know the difference between our needs and our wants.
This is the only time to accept that not everything is in our control,
This is the time to acknowledge that no matter how much we plan,
In the end, things will happen as per, “The Master’s Plans”.
This is the only time that you have time,
This is the only time to get back to being yourself,
This is the only time you’ve got to revisit all the good things, that you saved for this rainy day.
This is the only time, because, Life is Now and not on the other side of the 21 days.
Jayesh Tekchandaney

25th March, 2020