I Read Because…

I Read Because…

“Leaders are readers, and readers are leaders,” echoed Vivek (in 2006), when I told him that I don’t read.

Today, not reading a book each day, matters as much as drinking water or having food. I read constantly, I read in the car, bus, train or the airplane, I read when I am waiting to meet a customer, I read when waiting at the airport,  I read when others are watching TV, I read on vacations and business tours, I read before I sleep, I read while having my morning cup of tea,  devouring new books and revisiting some that I have read before.

My book shelves at home and office keep over flowing, with the books that I continue to accumulate from book stores, from train stations, from airports, and from road side vendors. It’s hard for me not to stop by and oogle at books when I am around these places. Buying a book is a temptation I find hard to resist.

I read autobiographies, and biographies because I love to be in the company of great men and women who have inspired generations. I read business and management books so that I can implement the best practices at work. I love to read psychology and human behaviour, because I value people and beleive in building strong relationships. I read religion and study spirituality, to understand. I read because I like to lose myself in the book. I read because there’s always something new to learn. I read because the world is changing faster than I can imagine. I read because it inspires me to write.

Living a complete and balanced life depends on making good use of the knowledge that we accumulate. We are constantly and subconsciously guided by the information we consume.It is because of reading books, that I have been able to set and achieve goals that have made a positive difference in the multi-facated wheel of my life.  It is the habit of reading that has transformed me, my life, my thoughts, my personality, my work, my relationships, my beliefs, my values and my choices.

Above all, I read because I wish and pray that Maahir and Shourya will read. My books will be the greatest wealth that my children will inherit.

Jayesh Tekchandaney
