Tag: set goals
Setting Goals In All Areas of Life
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Setting Goals In All Areas of Life
Life has many facets. For a meaningful, happy, balanced and prosperous life, we should set goals in all of these areas.
In this video, I shall share with you, the different areas of our life in which we can set Goals.
– Personal Goals
– Professional Goals
– Financial Goals
– Family Goals
– Health Goals
– Fun, Recreation Goals
– Spiritual Goals
– Social Goals
Personal goals are about what we want for ourselves – that which is important to us and gives us satisfaction, happiness and builds positivity. As compared to goals in other areas of life, we can enjoy the greatest control on the achievement of our personal goals, as it is directly the outcome of our actions and priorities.
We spend most of our most waking hours working for our careers, businesses and jobs This defines our occupation and profession, and is also the means of our livelihood. It provides us the opportunity to put to use our education, knowledge, skills and show case our talents. Setting professional goals is critical as it is through working that we achieve professional growth, build a reputation, get recognition, and above all, earn money, which supports our financial goals. For Home makers, planning and executing home matters can be equally significant professional goals.
Setting financial goals, provides clarity on the means by which we can fulfill our personal and family, needs and wants, for which money is required. Our financial goals could be earning and saving a specific amount of money by a given date for a specific purpose. For some, their financial goal could be putting together, the money needed for buying a house, through their income, reserves, or by borrowing. For others, financial goals could be repaying a loan. Financial freedom can only be achieved by setting goals and taking timely actions on financial goals.
Each of us has many roles to play for our family – starting with being a daughter or son, a sister or brother, a cousin, a spouse, a parent, a grand- parent. Giving our best in each of these roles requires us to set goals.
The most important and yet in many cases the most neglected aspect of our lives is our health. We tend to take our health and well being for granted until we are confronted with a symptom of bad health, or a medical emergency. And from there on, it is only about trying to get back what we have lost.
It’s important that to make the most out of the free time from work, to rejuvenate and energize yourself. Planning for your fun and recreation goals allows to set time and money for their fulfillment.
Knowing our spiritual goals helps us to reflect on the things that really matter to us, our purpose in life, our values, our beliefs. These goals are about connecting with our inner self. Spirituality could mean different things to different people. for some it could be practicing their religion, for others it could be about experiencing peace from visiting places of worship, for some it could be meditation, or practicing silence each day.
We have commitments and roles to play outside of our family. It could be playing an active role in the school PTA, or in the housing society that we live in. It could be our commitments to our friends or the responsibilities to the community that we are a part of. It could making contributions to the well being, education and career of children without families. Defining our social goals will allow us to block time or utilize our free time, for our social commitments.
I hope that this video would have inspired to set your goals…NOW
Goal setting has changed my life for the good. It has the power to change yours.
Set goals in all areas of life, believe in yourself and take action.
How to Write Your Goals
Watch Video Video on “How to Write Your Goals”
Set Goals. Make the positive difference to your life.
My name is Jayesh Tekchandaney, A Chemical Engineer by Qualification and Profession, A business owner by Occupation, Author, Speaker and Coach at Heart. My purpose in life is to touch, move, inspire and make a positive difference to people lives by sharing the good things and positivity that I have learned and been blessed with.
The one thing that has made a big difference to my life is the habit of Setting Goals. And today, I shall share with you, how to write your goals. Because writing your goals makes them real, it gives them a physical form, it provides you with direction and allows you to focus on what is important.
As an example, Let’s start with some of my goals My personal and professional goal is to write a book, related to my field of work. The way I would write my goal is… I have written a book on the subject of Industrial mixing. The book is published by John Wiley Publications by December 31, 2017.
As I mentioned earlier, my personal goal is to make a positive difference to people’s lives. For that, I would write my goal as I speak at conferences, seminars organisations, schools, and colleges inspiring people to set goals, and working for their achievement.
1. Make sure you write your goals as if your goal had already been achieved, e.g. I have written…., I speak. This is because the subconscious mind has to given a command in the present and made to believe that you are on the road to accomplishing your goals.
2. Write you goals in the personal tense. All of your goals should start with the word I. The I should be followed by an action verb.
I speak at conferences…
3. While writing goals, we need to set ourselves a deadline for achievement of the goal. In my case, it is the book being published by December 31, 2017. Setting a date, motivates us to block time, and take action towards achievement of our goals.
4. Also, Write your goals in the positive sense. For example, if your goal is to stop being lazy and begin to work hard, Instead of saying, I am not lazy, write, I am hardworking.
“Everything is Hard before it is easy,” said Goethe, the German philosopher. Setting Goals, writing them and seeing them manifest is easy when you choose to take action. I have been blessed and have experienced the joy of accomplishing many of my goals by following the goal setting process. My goal on the book being published is already achieved. And I continue to speak passionately about goal setting to those around me.
Set Goals
Goals give a sense of meaning and purpose to our life. Goal setting, along with careful planning provides a sense of direction to keep us focused on what we want and to work towards its achievement.
Our life has many facets – all of these can be classified in 6 major areas; personal, professional, spiritual, physical and mental, family and social, financial. For a meaningful and successful life, we should set goals in all of these areas.
Goals to me are SMART dreams. By SMART, we me Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound. A goal has be specific, it has to be clearly defined. A goal has to be quantifiable – something that can be measured, it has to be achievable and attainable within a lifetime, it has to be realistic – something that can be experienced in reality. Above all, the goal is a dream with a deadline for achievement. It is time bound.
Written goals are the seedbeds of accomplishment. The important thing while setting goals is that you need to write them, because writing your goals forces you to crystallize and clarify your thinking. It is said that the human mind has more than 4,000 thoughts each days. Writing down the thoughts which matter, helps you focus on what is necessary and keeps you on course. Written goals form the basis of measuring progress. Written goals produce motivation. Written goals form the basis of an action plan. Above all, written goals stimulate visualization.
Often people set goals, but don’t achieve them. This is because they don’t take the action required to achieve to goals. The most important aspect of achieving your goals is taking action, with enthusiasm. Having set your goals, you need to create an action plan for their achievement.
Setting goals has changed my life and the lives of many around the world. It will change yours as well.
“Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass.” – Paul Meyer
I Read Because…
I Read Because…
“Leaders are readers, and readers are leaders,” echoed Vivek (in 2006), when I told him that I don’t read.
Today, not reading a book each day, matters as much as drinking water or having food. I read constantly, I read in the car, bus, train or the airplane, I read when I am waiting to meet a customer, I read when waiting at the airport, I read when others are watching TV, I read on vacations and business tours, I read before I sleep, I read while having my morning cup of tea, devouring new books and revisiting some that I have read before.
My book shelves at home and office keep over flowing, with the books that I continue to accumulate from book stores, from train stations, from airports, and from road side vendors. It’s hard for me not to stop by and oogle at books when I am around these places. Buying a book is a temptation I find hard to resist.
I read autobiographies, and biographies because I love to be in the company of great men and women who have inspired generations. I read business and management books so that I can implement the best practices at work. I love to read psychology and human behaviour, because I value people and beleive in building strong relationships. I read religion and study spirituality, to understand. I read because I like to lose myself in the book. I read because there’s always something new to learn. I read because the world is changing faster than I can imagine. I read because it inspires me to write.
Living a complete and balanced life depends on making good use of the knowledge that we accumulate. We are constantly and subconsciously guided by the information we consume.It is because of reading books, that I have been able to set and achieve goals that have made a positive difference in the multi-facated wheel of my life. It is the habit of reading that has transformed me, my life, my thoughts, my personality, my work, my relationships, my beliefs, my values and my choices.
Above all, I read because I wish and pray that Maahir and Shourya will read. My books will be the greatest wealth that my children will inherit.
Jayesh Tekchandaney
Set Goals…
“If I have seen far, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of Giants”. God has been kind. I feel blessed to have been born in a wonderful and loving family; to have the best of education, and teachers who have touched moved and inspired; friends who have always stood by my side and encouraged; and colleagues who are supportive.
The one thing that has made a difference to my life, it is the habit of setting goals and an unwavering faith is Paul Meyer’s quote, “Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire sincerely believe and enthusiastically act up on must inevitably come to pass.”

Life was pretty much usual and routine, until one evening in the year 2006, when I met up with my childhood buddy, Vivek Savla. Vivek attended a program on Leadership and Management, and shared with me his learning. He asked me what my goals were. The first thing that came to my mind was about our manufacturing business, and I told him that my goal was to achieve a certain number in business, work hard, to be the best in the field. What else? he asked. I said I wanted to be happy, have a great life, have lots of money, take care of the family. He looked up to me and said, who doesn’t want that? That’s not a goal. That’s wishful thinking.
Honestly, I was lost, I really didn’t know nor did I understand what my goals were. Like me, many of us don’t realize the importance of goals. We don’t have goals because we don’t know how to set them. Often, it is the fear of failure that stops us from setting our goals.
Imagine watching a football game, with 2 teams and 22 players on the field playing the game – a football game with no goal posts. Imagine leading a life, where each day all that we do is get up in the morning, have breakfast, go to work, come home, watch television and go to sleep; wishing and hoping that tomorrow things will get better for us. But that seldom happens, and will not until we take control of our lives and our goals. It was that evening with Vivek, that I learned the greatest lesson of my life – “Set Goals”.
Goals give a sense of meaning and purpose to our life. Goal setting, along with careful planning provides a sense of direction to keep us focused on what we want and to work towards its achievement.
Our life has many facets – all of these can be classified in 6 major areas; personal, professional, spiritual, physical and mental, family and social, financial. For a meaningful and successful life, we should set goals in all of these areas.
For example, my personal goal is be a bestselling author, a motivational speaker, and coach. My professional goal is to take our company to a leadership position in the field of mixing equipment in India and across the world. My spiritual goal is to remain calm and
Written goals are the seedbeds of accomplishment. The important thing while setting goals is that you need to write them, because writing your goals forces you to crystallize and clarify your thinking. It is said that the human mind has more than 60,000 thoughts each days. Writing down the thoughts which matter, helps you focus on what is necessary and keeps you on course. Written goals form the basis of measuring progress. Written goals produce motivation. Written goals form the basis of an action plan. Above all, written goals stimulate visualization.
Goals to me are SMART dreams. By SMART, we me Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound. A goal has be specific, it has to be clearly defined. A goal has to be quantifiable – something that can be measured, it has to be achievable and attainable within a lifetime, it has to be realistic – something that can be experienced in reality. Above all, the goal is a dream with a deadline for achievement. It is time bound.
How then do you set goals and write them? When you begin to set goals, write down your dream list. A dream list will have everything that you wanted to have – a loving family, a big house, promotion at work, more money; a dream list will have everything you would like to do – grow you business to the next level, enjoy a vacation at your favorite destination. Just write down everything that you would like to have and do, as if there are no limitations at all.
Once you have written your dream list, you need to write them down as your SMART goals.
For example, my dream is to have a BMW car. But my SMART goal is “To drive my own BMW, 5 Series, White Color, by December 22, 2017”. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound.
I am often asked, “If it was so easy, why don’t most people achieve their goals?”
The answer to this question is explained in my favorite quote, by Paul Meyer, “Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act up on must inevitably come to pass.”
The starting point of attainment of all goals is having an ardent desire. Your desire for the goal must be so intense that it will energize you to take action. It will give you the inner strength and drive to overcome any obstacle that lies between you and your goal.
The greatest obstacle that lies between you and your goals, is your lack of self belief. For achieving your goals, you need to believe in yourself and in your abilities. To overcome the negative thoughts and emotions that may crop in, you need to take complete responsibility for your situation. Once you accept total responsibility for your life, there are no limits on what you can be, do or have. Every step that your take with responsibility towards your goals builds your belief that you can set and achieve even bigger goals in the future.
Often people set goals, but don’t achieve them. This is because they don’t take the action required to achieve to goals. The most important aspect of achieving your goals is taking action, with enthusiasm. Having set your goals, you need to create an action plan for their achievement. You need to prioritize your goals, make a list of all tasks that have to be completed for accomplishing the goal, schedule time and set deadlines, create measures and standards to track progress, build the competency and skills required for achieving the goals, exercise self-discipline, identify obstacles and their possible solutions, identify people, groups and organizations who can help you in achieving your goals. Work hard to achieve your goals. There is no substitute to hard work. Action with Passion, Patience and Persistence is the key to achieving your goals.
My personal experience is that when you are absolutely clear about your goal, you do not even need to know where and how to achieve it. By simply deciding what you want, you will begin to get attracted towards your goal and your goal begins to move towards you.
Set Goals and take charge of your life. I’ll be happy to have achieved my goal through your’s.
God Bless